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American Made Cabinets

POSTED ON Wednesday, May 29, 2019 IN Kitchen

What it means for a product to be Made in the USA

No two kitchens are alike. Naturally, no two kitchen cabinets are alike either, and the differences can often begin with where exactly the cabinets were manufactured.

As you design your dream kitchen, you’re likely to consider a number of different factors as you assemble your desired look and feel. The type of cabinetry and hardware, the materials, colors and finishes, and even the placement of your cabinets all come to mind.

But what about where the cabinets are manufactured?

It’s a question that not every homeowner will give a second thought before making a purchase. But there are reasons to buy products from American manufacturers, beyond a simple sense of national pride. Not only are there differences in terms of quality, but your decision to buy American can have an impact on the country’s economy, both at federal and local levels.

Buying American is like buying from your neighbors

Did you know that American manufacturing accounts for more than 17 million jobs across the United States? Not only that, but it also contributes over 12 percent to U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a comprehensive measure of the country’s economy and its growth.

When you buy products manufactured in America, you are supporting the U.S. economy and helping to ensure that those 17 million jobs stay right where they are.

As an American manufacturer ourselves, we can speak to the sense of pride that permeates our culture. And that pride extends beyond the products that we produce, although it is inherent in our work ethic. Each of us is invested in supporting and enriching our community, and the country as a whole.

Associates contribute to the tax base as employees and the corporation contributes both on a federal and state level to schools, highways, parks, and more.

american manufacturer drilling into a cabinet

World-class quality from right here in the United States

Nestled in the heart of the Midwest, Bertch is a family-owned and operated company.

Utilizing the finest wood, furniture joints, and exceptional finishes, Bertch strives to create distinct products for the home and hospitality industry. The materials we use are what set us apart, and that is true of most manufacturers based in the United States. We place a premium on quality and durability, from our cabinets and doors to our drawers and hardware.

But you don’t have to take our word for it.

We also offer a limited lifetime warranty on all of our products, whereas many imports will include warranties between three and five years, or even less.

You don’t have to settle for the standard

Quality craftsmanship is important, but buying American made products also means a certain level of service you might not find with imported products. Because we manufacture the products ourselves, we have the ability to customize those products to suit your needs, rather than being limited to whatever standard products we’ve had imported from another country.

Buying American means more responsiveness and flexibility in product offering and variety. Customers have the benefit of choosing their preferred species of wood and from a wide selection of stains and paints. Customization is key, because it affords Bertch and other American manufacturers the flexibility to create the products you want and need.

Why settle for the standard when you can create your own?

american manufacturer staining frame

American manufacturing regulations support sustainability

Consider the environmental impact of buying American. Countries such as China, Vietnam, and India don’t have to adhere to the same clean air standards and safety measures that the United States mandates. These regulations are in place to ensure that American manufacturers are contributing to a clean environment for our planet, impacting the air we breathe, the water we drink, and our quality of life as a whole. It affects every living person on Earth.

At Bertch, all of our products reflect a commitment to reforestation, recycling and a respect for the environment. Environmental responsibility has been ingrained in our philosophy for more than 40 years. It’s a point of pride to be part of a country where most corporations understand that they have a responsibility to preserve the earth’s finite resources.

We are also certified by KCMA’s Environmental Stewardship Program, which is designed to protect our environment and encourage our industry to manage its resources. Bertch is re-certified each year based on criteria including Air Quality, Resource Management (Product), Resource Management (Process), Environmental Stewardship, and Community Relations.

It is our goal to not just meet the program requirements, but exceed them. That means ensuring no Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) are released into your home from any of our products. We also employ a solvent recycling program that allows solvents to be used several times over and over again as a cleaner, greatly reducing the amount of hazardous material that needs to be disposed of.

Not to mention that our products are all built to last. That longevity also dramatically reduces the carbon footprint of our operations and the products that we produce.

To get a look at our American-made products up close and in person and see the difference for yourself, visit our nearest showroom.


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